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Not showing threads 300 has been reduced to 100

Started by ThePerk, May 19, 2024, 02:14:59 PM

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You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginNot sure everyone would agree paying to see.
I know some forums have different access tiers, but that may be too hard to do. I get it though, you want contributors, not just leechers.


You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginbut that may be too hard to do.
No completely the opposite this can be done.
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Your ''nudity'' forum was already death. This is nice way to kill it for good.. nice work admins...


You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginNo completely the opposite this can be done.
Well, it's just hard to post that much since I am not creating content and really just like to view it. That's why I mentioned a donation or something like that that can be used toward further forum upkeep and content generation.


I get the number of posts thing to unlock things in the forum, but when you register and you only see discussions and requests it's kind of discouraging. Why would I request if I cannot see the things already posted and why would I discuss if I cannot see the material being discussed?  bashhh:


yeah, it's kinda hard to discuss if you don't see content .. and if you aren't content creator .. smaller number would maybe be reasonable


You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginyeah, it's kinda hard to discuss if you don't see content .. and if you aren't content creator .. smaller number would maybe be reasonable
and even before 15 posts even if you are a content creator you cannot upload content anywhere  doh:


it probably works great for those who has a lot of post


I'd be willing to pay! I'll try get my posts up


godless 2


Hmm, i really hate "Force" it feels wrong...
And if i have some Videos i cant share because i dont see the section for it xD

Dunno, im not really happy with this but im happy other Forums are faster and more uncomplicated, so the people will get there content at the end of the day. Just sad because i like this forum here.
I just hope the forum dont die  fingers crossed:


Sure, now you all have video. Where were your videos a week ago?


You are not allowed to view links. Register or Loginso the people will get there content at the end of the day.
Yes you and many others get it for free while others spend time and money subscribing and dedicating their hours to watching and checking the footage. Everyone here just expects to be able to download it or watch at the press of a button or click on their mouse and they then take someone's hard earned video that they slaved over for hours and someone just comes along and posts it elsewhere without the owners permission. I think having to get to a post count is reasonable if others can't subscribe to the feeds or whatever.
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Members who have content but complain they have nowhere to post them you can post in this board.

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You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginMembers who have content but complain they have nowhere to post them you can post in this board.

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Not the most optimal thing I guess, because we cannot see if something's already posted, but will try to contribute. Great to see at least some changes due to feedback  gon:


I mean at the end of the day this is a forum it's kinda fair that everybody has to at least interact. 


This will only lead to spammy messages for people to fill their quota. Especially with the limited amount of threads they have access to. I (we) have to post half baked opinions on stuff I (we) don't give a shit about, just to access the forum. Basically turning this in to twitter.


You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginThis will only lead to spammy messages for people to fill their quota. Especially with the limited amount of threads they have access to. I (we) have to post half baked opinions on stuff I (we) don't give a shit about, just to access the forum. Basically turning this in to twitter.
Or they could comment on the show. I was already there on the previous version of this forum and people would talk all day about the shows. Sure nudity was still the center of the forum but the discussion threads were really discussions. 


Well interesting turn of events. What if there is no content available to post, because nothing happens in local Reality TV shows?