Való Világ 12

Started by catfishaaron, May 03, 2024, 12:59:45 PM

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You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginI think tomorrow in the show maybe
Maybe, but they have already make plans about nominations. As far as I understood, they want to kick Adi out, so now they are looking at who to nominate to be stronger and then the one to choose and kick Adi out.


You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginMaybe, but they have already make plans about nominations. As far as I understood, they want to kick Adi out, so now they are looking at who to nominate to be stronger and then the one to choose and kick Adi out.

They should go for Kidiki vs Adi. Any of those two could go for me tbh 


I would throw out Vesna.

Valen and Adi have finished showering. Valen naked, Adi in white underwear.


The bathroom cam they used for the Dorkis shower was useluss! Why do they do this to us. They have better cameras in there! cryyyy


Geri and Reni banging under the sheets right now, intermittently at least.


Geri rolled over on the bed to get a towel. His chest was exposed and you could tell he was naked. Looks like he ejaculated because there was cum all over his body. He got the towel to wipe it off.


You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginGeri and Reni banging under the sheets right now, intermittently at least.
hoping to see the recorded footage of it soon


valo vilag 12 live 06-01 Összefoglaló
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Egy ártatlan ugratásnak indult, de vacsora csatába (vitába) fulladt az este!
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Dorka és Vera veszekedés szeretne mímelni kettejük közt, hogy ki hogy reagál rá! Az udvaron valen vezér csúnyán beszól Verának! Dorka vacsit akar csinálni és megint értelmetlenül pitizik valen vezérnek, hogy kér e aki bunkózik vele. A konyhában Reni végre leoltja a helyi istenséget, hogy csináljon magának vacsorát felnőtt ember! Erre valen kényszeredett mosollyal fogadja valószínű belül majd felrobban. Nem is csinál neki csak Gerinek és Dzsigerinek. Természetesen valen, vezérhez méltón nem készít magának semmit csak várja míg a többiek tesznek valamit a tányérjára! Jól csinálja így kell megutáltatnia magát, ha még egyáltalán van valen szimpatizáns! Remélem nincs!!!


valo vilag 12 LIVE 05.31. 21-03
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Actually it seems like they all agreed to nominate Cszasi for thé duel as he misses the outside too much. 


You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginGeri and Reni banging under the sheets right now, intermittently at least.
Earlier today she was giving him a massage and he was lying naked on the bed  :)))


You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginActually it seems like they all agreed to nominate Cszasi for thé duel as he misses the outside too much.
Or Dorka.
Cszasi cried because his girlfriend sent him a message in a sweatshirt.


can any tell me on what day comes at cooltv 

the daily episode as the housemates yesterday

were chained on hands??


The beginning was from Friday evening, the rest was yesterday.

They are currently nominating


Csaszi : 6
Dudu : 2
Adi : 2
Vera : 1

The first nominee is Csaszi  tuu:


The nomination:
kikidi - csaszi
Dorka - Dudu
Valen - Adi
Dzisgeri - Vera
Dudu - Csaszi
Gialda - Dudu
Csaszi - Adi
Vera - Csaszi
Geri - Csaszi
Reni - Csaszi
Adi - Csaszi

So Csaszi is nominated.


I'm sorry that Valen still voted for Adi in the end :( He cut his hair today and they were really good these two days  sadd:

Who do you think they will choose for the duel?


Now they are introducing the 3 candidates 


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And here you can vote 
The one with the most votes will enter the house today